
Just realized i got fat

Yes you got fat but not to fat
6 years

Just realized i got fat

I am pretty sure it turns you on gain 40 lbs in such short time so you should test it out.
6 years

Just realized i got fat

You should get much fatter. You know you want to
6 years

Just realized i got fat

That's how it happened to me!! Your gain looks great on you!!
6 years

Just realized i got fat

I think that you crossed the line where there is no way to go back. You're too fat to start dieting and exercising.
Enjoy the food and being lazy smiley you're looking exceptional with new fat
6 years

Just realized i got fat

Don't avoid the mirror or camera, revel in it! You look awesome!
6 years

Just realized i got fat

This title: exactly what always happens to me. Going through this currently for the past three months. I probably have gained 35 lbs. I didn’t even realize until I gained like 20 lbs.
6 years

Just realized i got fat

I have developed a dark line underneath my gut. I believe it is from the waist band on all my pants that digs deep all day especially sitting and driving which I tend to do most of the day these days. Have not been to the gym in 3+ months and no will power to stop from eating huge portions all the time.

Has anyone else got that dark line than doesn’t go away under their belly? Is it from what I described?
6 years

Just realized i got fat

Omg� fat- I apologize if anyone is insulted. Let�s build a coalition, please ?
If I may...there's a potential synergy between two people that ignites passion, exploration and building an intimate knowledge. Curves, shapes and attraction are side benefits not unlike a quality hot fudge over ice cream
6 years

Just realized i got fat

My belly hangs over everything I own now and my sides! Ughhh I didn’t notice at all how big I was getting
6 years